Starship Modeler - The complete information source for modelers who build sci-fi, fantasy and real space subjects

AMT/ERTL Slave 1

By Dean Newbold

This is the AMT/ERTL Slave 1. I finished it a couple of years ago and it has been hanging from my son's ceiling since then. The fit of the parts was interesting to say the least. I might regard this one as practice for the Fine Molds kit that I have promised myself.

Apart from trying to make things fit, the biggest modification was in the cockpit, where I tried to make it more accurate; hence the 2 seats under Mr Fett. Most raised panel lines were removed.

Of course the painting is the interesting part with this kit. The body and ''wings'' were done in spray pack enamel. The weathering was done with acrylics and masking medium, twice. The first time it looked awful and I had to start again. I am very happy with the green sections. The weathering of the paint and the stippled effect on the dark green look good. Trying to get the right colours on the skirt was a nightmare. The masking effect and the 2 layers of paint aren't quite right, but it was not going to get a third attempt.

My favourite scorch mark is on this kit. It covered up a big mistake.

Rear Skirt



Rear Underside


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